Survey Tracking Made Simple: A Guide

Explore the benefits of online surveys, learn effective distribution methods, and discover the top survey software available. Click the link below to learn more.

In the digital age, gathering feedback and data has become easier and more efficient with online surveys. These tools are invaluable for businesses, researchers, and organizations aiming to understand their audience, improve products or services, and make informed decisions.

This article delves into the benefits of online surveys, how to effectively distribute and track them, and the top software available to streamline the process.

Benefits of Online Surveys

1. Cost-Effective

One of the primary advantages of online surveys is their cost-effectiveness. Traditional survey methods, such as paper-based or telephone surveys, can be expensive and time-consuming. Online surveys eliminate printing and mailing costs, making them a more affordable option for collecting data.

2. Convenience and Accessibility

Online surveys can be completed anytime and anywhere, providing convenience for respondents. This flexibility increases response rates and allows participants to complete surveys at their own pace without the pressure of immediate interaction.

3. Quick Data Collection and Analysis

Online surveys enable rapid data collection and provide instant access to responses. This immediacy allows for quicker analysis and faster decision-making. Most survey software includes built-in analytical tools that generate real-time reports and insights.

4. Wide Reach

With the internet's global reach, online surveys can gather responses from diverse and geographically dispersed populations. This wide reach is particularly beneficial for companies and researchers seeking a broader perspective or international insights.

5. Anonymity and Honesty

Respondents are more likely to provide honest feedback when they can remain anonymous. Online surveys offer the option of anonymity, which can result in more accurate and candid responses compared to face-to-face or phone interviews.

6. Customizability and Flexibility

Online survey tools offer various customization options, allowing users to tailor surveys to their specific needs. You can use different question formats, such as multiple-choice, rating scales, or open-ended questions, and incorporate logic branching to guide respondents through a personalized experience.

7. Environmentally Friendly

Online surveys reduce the need for paper, contributing to environmental sustainability. This eco-friendly approach aligns with modern corporate social responsibility practices and appeals to environmentally conscious respondents.

How to Distribute and Track Online Surveys

1. Distribution Methods

  • Email Invitations: Sending survey links through email is one of the most effective ways to reach your target audience. Personalizing the email content can enhance engagement and response rates.
  • Social Media: Sharing survey links on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn can broaden your reach and engage specific demographics based on your social media audience.
  • Web Embedding: Embedding surveys directly on your website or blog can capture the attention of visitors already interested in your content or services.
  • Mobile Apps: For businesses with a mobile app, integrating surveys within the app can reach users who frequently engage with your digital services.
  • QR Codes: Generating a QR code for your survey link allows respondents to access the survey quickly using their mobile devices, ideal for in-person events or printed materials.

2. Tracking and Analysis

  • Response Rates: Monitoring the number of completed surveys versus the number of invitations sent helps assess the effectiveness of your distribution methods and identify areas for improvement.
  • Completion Time: Analyzing how long respondents take to complete the survey can provide insights into its length and complexity, guiding future survey design.
  • Drop-off Points: Tracking where respondents abandon the survey can highlight problematic questions or sections, allowing for adjustments to enhance completion rates.
  • Demographic Insights: Collecting and analyzing demographic data can help understand response patterns and tailor strategies to specific audience segments.
  • Real-Time Reporting: Many survey platforms offer real-time analytics, allowing you to view and analyze responses as they come in, providing immediate feedback and actionable insights.

Top Online Survey Software

1. SurveyMonkey

SurveyMonkey is a widely used online survey tool known for its user-friendly interface and robust features. It offers a variety of question types, customizable templates, and powerful analytics. SurveyMonkey provides both free and paid plans, catering to individual and enterprise needs.

2. Google Forms

Google Forms is a free and straightforward option for creating and distributing surveys. Integrated with Google Drive, it allows for seamless data collection and analysis. Google Forms is ideal for users seeking a no-cost solution with basic features.

3. Qualtrics

Qualtrics is a premium survey tool designed for businesses and academic institutions. It offers advanced survey design options, extensive customization, and detailed analytical capabilities. Qualtrics is best suited for users requiring sophisticated data collection and analysis tools.

4. Typeform

Typeform stands out for its visually appealing and interactive survey designs. It offers a conversational approach to surveys, enhancing user engagement. Typeform provides various pricing tiers, including a free plan with limited features.

5. SurveyGizmo (now Alchemer)

Alchemer, formerly known as SurveyGizmo, is a versatile survey platform offering comprehensive data collection and analysis tools. It caters to both small businesses and large enterprises with its range of pricing options and features.

6. Jotform

Jotform is known for its drag-and-drop form builder and extensive template library. It supports integrations with numerous apps and services, making it a flexible option for various survey needs. Jotform offers both free and paid plans.

7. Zoho Survey

Zoho Survey provides a range of survey creation and distribution tools, with strong analytical features. It integrates seamlessly with other Zoho products, making it ideal for businesses already using Zoho’s suite of applications.


Online surveys are a powerful tool for collecting valuable feedback and insights. They offer numerous benefits, including cost savings, convenience, and wide reach. By choosing the right distribution methods and tracking tools, you can maximize response rates and data quality. With a variety of online survey software options available, from free tools like Google Forms to advanced platforms like Qualtrics, you can find a solution that fits your specific needs and budget. Embracing online surveys can significantly enhance your ability to understand and engage with your audience effectively.

Links to Popular Online Survey Software